Being CHEAP never felt so good.

Compassionately Helping the Environment And People

With every bag you purchase, you help the environment and coffee farmers by supporting fair trade practices and your health by drinking organic coffee.

Our Promise To You

Fair Trade



Feel good about being CHEAP. The CHEAP acronym is Compassionately Helping the Environment And People. Below are a few reasons why people buy Cheap Coffee.

Fair-trade: We endorse safe, sustainable agricultural practices that protect our environment, farmers, and the quality of the coffee delivered to you.

Organic: Our beans are super healthy… well, organic. We’re giving you the best cup of coffee without the harmful chemicals found in conventional coffee. Cheers to your health!

Fresh: A great deal of what you buy in the store is roasted weeks or even months before hitting the shelves, while Cheap Coffee is roasted and delivered within the first week, to give you optimal freshness.

Shop Cheap

Want to feel good about what you buy? We have you covered.

Cheap Coffee Company is about being CHEAP in the best way possible. You help yourself by consuming healthier coffee, support farmers and fair-trade practices, and advocate for better care of our environment. When you buy CHEAP, you feel and do good. 

CHEAP: Compassionately Helping the Environment And People

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